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(Nishio Principles)

Shoji Nishio Sensei was born in Aomori Prefecture in 1927. He entered the Aikikai Hombu Dojo at the end of 1955. He practiced Judo, Karate, Iaido, and Jodo prior to beginning in Aikido. The skills he acquired through his practice of these martial arts are incorporated seamlessly into his unique Aikido, which is now referred to as Nishio Budo or sometimes Nishio Ryu.

Shoji Nishio Sensei was an 8th dan Shihan, Aikikai Federation, and 7th dan Shihan in the Nihon Zendoku Iaido Federation. He also helds a 4th dan in Kodokan Judo and a 4th dan in Shindo Shizen ryu of Karatedo. He  also studied Shindo Muso ryu – Jodo (way of the staff), and Hozoin ryu – Yari (spear). He has developed a new school   of Iaido with forms based upon Aikido techniques called Aiki Toho Iai.

In Nishio Budo, you study precise footwork to understand irimi (entering) in such a way that you are always in a position of safety and you are also put into a position that is half a step ahead of your opponent. From this point through the finish of the technique you remain in a safe position while controlling the movement of your opponent. This concept has Nishio Sensei often reminding you of O’Sensei’s saying, “Victory is determined at the moment of contact.”

For further information read the article taken from the Aikido Journal, 1996, Vol. 24, no.1, pg. 21-22.

Iaido - Toho Iai

Aiki Toho Iaido is “Iaido using the sword methodology of harmony with energy”. Aiki Toho Iai is a series of kata founded by Shoji Nishio Sensei based directly on Aikido techniques, movements, and principles. When studying Iaido you gain a better understanding of Aikido and when studying Aikido you gain a better understanding of Iaido. Nishio Sensei often says that you cannot truly understand Aikido without studying the sword.


The study and understanding of these kata relates directly to the tai-jitsu (empty hand) techniques of Aikido.  You also gain further understanding by practicing the same technique using tachi-sabaki (movement using the sword) and then using jo-sabaki (movement using the jo). Practicing the techniques with the sword, you do not cut your opponent, although the understanding of how to cut your opponent is presented. The choice not to kill, is made available; a path of resolution is to cut in order to lead the opponent, releasing them from harm, and the responsibility of harming.



Ken + Jo-sabaki

Ken and Jo Sabaki

Further, the application of some Aikido technique is studied in ken-tai-ken (sword vs. sword) and ken-tai-jo (sword vs. jo). For these techniques you use the bokken (wooden sword) and jo (short wooden staff; the length of it is measured from the floor to armpit height). Each of these ways of doing the same technique uses the same footwork and cuts.

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